Featured In { Woman's World } Keep Your Suede Clean
My tips featured in Woman's World fro January 10th, all about genius tricks for keeping your faux suede and faux leather in tiptop shape, particularly how to clean them correctly.

Some tips included :
1. Some tools I always have on hand to clean suede is an artist eraser, which will remove surface marks without harming the suede. Baby powder or cornmeal will work for oil stains on suede, and a nylon small brush to remove the oil/powder once it has come to the surface. An Emory board/nail file can also be used on suede to remove dark stains when rubbed lightly. For faux leather use a mr. clean magic eraser which will remove ink type stains. Hair spray will also help small simple stains.
2. DIY - Mix 2 tbsp white vinegar and 1 tbsp water to remove water and salt stains from faux leather. Use mod podge on faux leather scratches.
3. I do not suggest putting either in the dryer.
4. Store suede in breathable bags, not plastic. Cotton pillowcases are easy and affordable. Do not leave in direct sunlight or humid area. Store leather items boots/handbags stuffed with tissue paper to keep the shape. Be sure to keep faux leather moisturized with beeswax to prevent cracking while storing.
5.For waterproofing products, when you purchase think oils/creams/beeswax for faux leather and sprays for suede.