Feature on : Chicago's You and Me {Cool Summer Sneaker Styles}
Women's Supra’s High Top Sneakers suprafootwear.com $100 LFL by Lust For Life Tango Pom Pom Sneakers LustforLifeUSA.com $50 Adidas Pink...

Fox Good Day Dressed Up Sneaker Segment
{Photo Margaret Pattillo} I filmed a segment with Fox Good Day this past week for how to dress up your sneakers. It was a fun one to put...

Fox 5 Good Day What To Wear for NYE
It's NYE and we are all trying to figure out what to wear. On Fox Good Day New York I have some great head to toe fashion ideas for you,...

Inside Edition The Bikini is 70 Years Old
I talked with Inside Edition on the bikini's 70th birthday. Can you believe the bikini has been around for 70 years! When it first hit...